-Novelist & Biologist-

Falling From Grace
ISBN: 978-1-897142-46-2
Sometimes it's the little things in life that make all the difference�like chromosomes, sperm, tiny bugs or an endangered seabird that nests in an old-growth forest. But, what�s big or what�s little depends entirely on your perspective. At three feet ten inches tall, Faye Pearson knows all about perspective. A scientist doing entomological research in the tallest trees on Vancouver Island, Faye�s struggle to function in a world not made for people her size is poignant and heartwarming.When a group protesting logging in the area arrives, Faye and her assistant Paul are slowly drawn into the conflict and into the lives of the protesters.
Praise for Falling From Grace:
Falling from Grace creates an ecology all its own, one that joins the unlikeliest elements to reinstruct us in what it means to be human and to reawaken us to the world�s wonder. - Nino Ricci, winner of the 2008 Governor General�s Award for Fiction
Falling From Grace is a moving and heartfelt story about the enormous power of small things to shape the world. With her keen eye for microscopic detail, Ann Eriksson evokes the awesome beauty and complexity of the Canadian Pacific Northwest landscape, from the perfect symbiosis of flora and fauna to the conflicts, sometimes noble, often tragic, between nature's ecologies and our powerful human desires. - Ruth Ozeki, author of A Tale for a Time Being